Unintended consequences: Consultants using HIPAA to strong-arm business associates
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO When the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) contacted NAID to help write the FACTA Final Disposal Rule, their main concern was what they called “unintended consequences.” It seems every new law has side effects. The FTC’s goal was to anticipate the bad side effects and minimize them when creating new […]
Read more »It’s all about the reps
By Ray Barry, Chief Shreducation and Member Relations Officer In sports, life and business, there is a pretty simple rule: the more we do something or the more time we spend learning something the better we get at it. Repetition is the key to retaining knowledge or to improving a skill. Something a baseball coach […]
Read more »Is your competition giving you the weapons you need to prevail?
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Reading Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” became popular in business management circles in the 1990s. You still hear it referenced today, though certainly less often. The thinking at the time was that the 3,000-year-old treatise on the conduct of war had keen insights for competition in the business world. […]
Read more »A message to consumers about misleading marketing claims
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO I’d like to think the increasing regulatory liabilities for data protection would make customers less susceptible to misleading or false marketing claims but the truth is it hasn’t. That’s a frustrating realization but it understandable. The fact is that as demand for data protection solution goes up, competition intensifies. At […]
Read more »At NAID, the door is always open
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO With NAID member locations nearing 2,000, I am sure it won’t surprise anyone to learn that between emails and phone calls, I personally communicate with scores of industry professionals every week. And, even though colleagues and consultants have told me that being so accessible in an organization of this size […]
Read more »The NAID Board of Directors is you
By NAID President Tom Huth, Allshred Services, Inc. As NAID president I have the opportunity to talk to a lot of members. For the most part, I am encouraged by the feedback I receive. Even when a member calls with a complaint of some kind, generally their criticism is constructive and they are supportive of […]
Read more »If not NAID, then who?
By John M. Mesrobian, J.D., C.P.P., C.F.E., C.I.P.P. Recently, there have been a few events that remind us of the important role NAID plays in the marketplace. Readers may have already heard that NAID’s leadership opposes flow control legislation in a New York county that’s attempting to divert all business wastepaper to the county’s recycling […]
Read more »Throwback Thursday
By Kristina Carlberg, NAID Director of Communications Next month will mark the one-year anniversary of NAIDnotes. At the beginning, this blog was started to give a voice to NAID and the industry it serves and put a face to the professionals who are solving problems and handling secure destruction issues every day. Over the last year, […]
Read more »NAID’s CEO names his favorite blog entries
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Having reached the midpoint of 2013, I thought I’d use this time to point out some of my favorite blog postings from the past six months. With over 50 to choose from, it was not an easy task because it was like choosing between my children. In “Data destruction: The […]
Read more »What if NAID had been an institute instead of an association?
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Way back when the idea of creating a secure destruction industry organization came about, I originally envisioned it as an institute rather than a trade association. The idea was that industry participants would contribute to a non-profit institute, which would use those contributions to fund research, raise awareness of the […]
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