How to add compliance consulting to your services
December 19, 2013
This is the first of a series of posts to familiarize readers with 2014 conference educational content. Not only will this help attendees decide which sessions they want to attend, but also demonstrate the high level of thought planners put into developing content that address today’s most common challenges and opportunities. In this entry, I focused on the panel discussion How to Add Compliance Consulting to Your Services, a breakout session currently scheduled for Saturday, April 5 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Fifteen years ago, IBM and XEROX were equipment manufacturers. Now, they make most of their money from consulting. They learned that equipment-based strategies are easy to copy but industry acumen and value-added strategies are not. While most secure destruction service providers will always be equipment-based, offering compliance resources and training is a method for standing out in a market, increasing profits, and building greater customer loyalty. In the recent SDB Magazine, you can read how one NAID member is effectively building on this strategy. And, they are not alone. There are dozens of NAID members that for which offering secure destruction is becoming part of an overall compliance partner strategy. Certainly this strategy might not be for everyone but that is why it is so effective. For those who learn to effectively embrace this strategy, it is something that cannot be easily copied by the competition. It releases them from the chains of commoditization. In this session, industry veterans who have successfully integrated compliance and consulting services will discuss how they did it, what they learned along the way, and how it has benefited their bottom lines.
While this is just one of over 20 such sessions, it is one that could dramatically change the long-term trajectory of those who attend. Visit the NAID 2014 Annual Conference website for more information or to register. A 25 percent advance registration discount is still available.