
The Struggle to Hire & Retain Good Employees

Gone—for now anyway—are the days when finding and retaining good employees could be taken for granted. The recent i-SIGMA member survey, along with many conversations with members on what to do about it, has shown the competition for capable, hard-working, and presentable service personnel in records management and secure data destruction is increasing difficult…and in some cases, […]

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The i-SIGMA Compliance Monitoring Service Has Arrived

The eagerly awaited i-SIGMA Compliance Monitoring Service has arrived. Starting immediately, many service providers will use it, and soon clients around the world will begin seeing promotions encouraging them to use it too. And, if the underlying assumptions behind its creation are correct, they will eventually come to rely on it as a vital demonstration […]

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Board Approves New Name & Logo for Vendor Members

When the i-SIGMA Board of Directors met in February of this year for a strategic planning meeting, the importance of best supporting all members, including Associate/Vendor Members was among the topics discussed. From that conversation the Vendor Engagement Committee (VEC) was formed (learn more), and a recommendation was made to determine if “Vendor Member”, as […]

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Margaret Meier, CSDS Appointed to i-SIGMA Board

Margaret Meier, CSDS of Ultrashred Technologies, Inc. (Jacksonville, FL, USA) has been appointed to fill a vacancy on the i-SIGMA Board of Directors, filling a sudden vacancy, marking the second time she has served in that role. The vacancy which Meier was called on to fill was created by the resignation of Michael Payton, CSDS, […]

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Workforce Woes: Flash Survey Results

In the face of continuing concern over workforce stability, i-SIGMA launched another of its popular Flash Surveys. What follows is a breakdown of member-responses regarding their ability to attract and retain service personnel and their response to vaccination requirements. Has your firm had any difficulty hiring new employees?  No – We’re not hiring                    20% No […]

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Rod Ivey to Chair Ethics Enforcement Council

The i-SIGMA Board of Directors has approved the appointment of Rod Ivey of BEST Shredding (Coquitlam, BC, CA) to serve as chair of the Complaint Resolution Council (CRC). The appointment was made necessary due to the fact that the previous CRC Chair Bowman Richards, CSDS of Richards & Richards (Nashville, TN, USA) is currently serving […]

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