
i-SIGMA - Blog

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Community Involvement: Where do You Stand?

Editors Note: This article was previously run in a 2018 NAIDNews publication. i-SIGMA decided that its information still proves accurate and relevant today, especially in light of Giving Tuesday. By: Gina Lentine of Legal Shred “How can I help?” From a young age, this phrase was one of the most natural thoughts. Valuing altruism and […]

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Ask the Professionals About the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) (US companies)

Earlier this year, i-SIGMA hosted a webinar by guest presenter Daniel Risen, an Employee Benefits Advisor and Business Development Executive for OneDigital. Daniel shared with Members how to maximize the Cares Act Incentives via this webinar and a follow-up article in the iG Journal . You can access these here: Maximizing the Cares Act Incentives […]

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Updates on the Morgan Stanley Data Breach

By now, most readers have most likely heard of the Morgan Stanley Data Breach incident. The latest $35M fine from the SEC, on top of the $128.2M Morgan Stanley has already shelled out, is due to the breach of personal data of 15 million customers appearing on hard drives at an auction where the data […]

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I Know You’re in a Hurry but Before You Decide…

When hiring a typical service provider – a painter or carpet cleaner, for instance – it’s expected that you’ll have questions. How much will it cost? When can you be here? How long will it take? There are some services, however – like those where you entrust the vendor with regulated, personal information – where […]

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Beyond Certification

The title of this blog may seem odd coming from a person who has spent the last 22 years promoting service provider certification. Please bear with me. As readers already know, the premise of Data Processor certifications has changed. Where once they simply provided a general reassurance that a reputable third party had signed off […]

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Media Collection Containers, Key Control, & Custody

Secure data destruction service commonly provides clients with containers to accumulate paper or other media prior to destruction. And, while it is true that the containers are designed to protect the media from prying eyes and hands, they are not high security vaults, and clients or service providers losing sight of this put themselves at […]

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If Certification is in Your Plans, Now is the Time!

First of all, it is important to remember that i-SIGMA is a non-profit trade association with a mission to improve market conditions for all its members, and the same was true of NAID and PRISM International before the merger. In its role as a member-owned organization, i-SIGMA provides a robust repertoire of member benefits, including […]

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Data Subject Protections Continue to Drive New Privacy Laws

Quebec’s Bill 64 was passed unanimously becoming the most recent example of the continued conveyor belt of regulations inspired by the EU General Data Protection Directive that focuses on new Data Subject protections. Titled, “An Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information”, the regulation was adopted unanimously, on the 21 […]

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The Struggle to Hire & Retain Good Employees

Gone—for now anyway—are the days when finding and retaining good employees could be taken for granted. The recent i-SIGMA member survey, along with many conversations with members on what to do about it, has shown the competition for capable, hard-working, and presentable service personnel in records management and secure data destruction is increasing difficult…and in some cases, […]

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The i-SIGMA Compliance Monitoring Service Has Arrived

The eagerly awaited i-SIGMA Compliance Monitoring Service has arrived. Starting immediately, many service providers will use it, and soon clients around the world will begin seeing promotions encouraging them to use it too. And, if the underlying assumptions behind its creation are correct, they will eventually come to rely on it as a vital demonstration […]

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