Improve your sales productivity by 5% in 2013
By John Boyens, Owner of The Boyens Group If a salesperson or business owner wants to get off to a quick start in 2013, they can’t confuse sales activity with sales productivity. As a matter of fact, the most successful salespeople and business owners I know establish processes that are repeatable and scalable. That way […]
Read more »Your attendance at NAID 2013 is newsworthy
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO For this year’s NAID conference, attendance numbers are looking very strong. Most of the advance promotion for the event stresses the topical subject matter, high quality presenters, the networking opportunities and the amazing trade show. Obviously, many industry professionals are attracted to the event as a result. Something we don’t […]
Read more »Today’s changes are no more or less dramatic than yesterday’s
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Over the past couple of years, there has been a lot written about how the secure destruction industry has been changing, including how the market has matured, how customers’ behaviors are evolving, and how regulatory challenges and opportunities are increasing. Often comments like these imply that before these changes happened, […]
Read more »Why you should use NAID tools designed for the industry
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO In the not-too-distant past, some members would say they were not getting NAID Certified because many customers were not aware of it. Similarly, I recently talked with an industry professional who was considering becoming a Certified Secure Destruction Specialist (CSDS). The thing holding him back was that it was not […]
Read more »NAID 2013 session to discuss route drivers in sales
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO There is a great discussion unfolding on the unofficial NAID LinkedIn group page where industry professionals are sharing ideas about involving route drivers in the sales process. As many of you know, I have always felt that route drivers have been underused in the sales process. To be fair, there […]
Read more »2013 board candidates represents average members
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Yesterday, the NAID Board of Directors approved the slate of candidates competing in the upcoming general election. This election is to fill board positions that will be vacated in March. The candidates competing in the general election are listed below. I am happy to report that everyone nominated who wanted […]
Read more »Don’t be left behind: Adding scanning services increases shredding revenue
By Andy Sokol, Owner of CopyScan and Dean of Scanning School More businesses than ever are changing the way they think about their paper records. From environmental pressures to cheaper alternatives, document scanning and imaging can revolutionize the shredding industry. Shredding companies that don’t diversify and offer scanning to their existing and future customers will suffer, especially […]
Read more »Why is our approach to sales and marketing often illogical?
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Would you trust a contractor to build you a house without a plan? Would you set out on a long road trip without a good understanding of how to get to your destination? Why then, do so many of us think we can build a company without a plan or […]
Read more »NAID can help members address questions in the sale process
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Sometimes, though not enough as far as I am concerned, I am asked to use NAID’s pulpit and expertise to help members in sales situations. This usually happens when a member needs to coax a client into recognizing their responsibilities or provide some type of proof statement correcting a misconception. […]
Read more »HITECH will ignite great opportunities in the secure destruction industry
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO One of the country’s most prominent and respected privacy experts, attorney Kirk Narha, reported the HITECH Final Rule may be released soon, possibly by the end of this month. As many of you know, it was originally supposed to be released last summer and has been postponed several times since […]
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