If you aspire to great success, a coach is a necessity
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Athletes, especially professional athletes, provide one of the most obvious examples of human beings who have to continually focus on improving their performances. Their livelihoods depend on it. And, whether they are the front lineman on a professional football team or a star tennis player, they have a coach. Think […]
Read more »Get involved
By Ray Barry, NAID Deputy Executive Director As many of you know, this is the time of year we all start planning for 2015 to make ourselves and our businesses healthier. We start looking back at 2014 and what we could do better and hopefully implement new things personally and professionally for 2015. My hope […]
Read more »Why do some salespeople fail?
By Ray Barry, Chief Shreducation and Member Relations Officer When I speak with business owners in the information destruction and records management industries, one of the biggest issues they face is finding the right sales professionals for their businesses. And, once they find a good sales professional, they struggle with helping him/her maintain a certain […]
Read more »Attitude is the key
By Ray Barry, NAID Deputy Executive Director The most important quality that top sales professionals and business owners possess is, without a doubt, a positive attitude. I have never met a great sales professional that had a negative attitude. In sales, as in life, attitude is a major factor in your successes and failures. Your […]
Read more »Selling versus consulting
By Ray Barry, Chief Shreducation and Member Relations Officer “People will pay more if they perceive there is greater value or a deeper reason for buying from one provider over another.” ‑ Chet Holmes, “The Ultimate Sales Machine” This quote from the late great Chet Holmes tells me one specific thing: It’s not always about […]
Read more »People buy for their reasons, not yours
By Ray Barry, NAID Deputy Executive Director People buy for their own reasons, not yours. This is a mindset that average sales professionals do not understand. The top sales professionals understand that everyone makes their purchasing decisions based on different motives. No two decision-making processes are exactly alike. The only way to discover what these […]
Read more »Relationships feed the sales funnel
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Over the past few weeks, I’ve been reminded twice that the networking and partnership techniques taught at Shred School are both valid and valuable when marketing secure destruction services. Last month I spoke at a large convention of businesses that provide assistance to senior citizens who need varying degrees of care. They […]
Read more »What’s your number: A strategy for publicity
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO I spend a little time in the Shred School workshops talking about the use of press releases to get publicity. Over the years, I have found that most secure destruction companies miss the opportunity to use them effectively due to a number of misconceptions. They aim at the wrong target. They don’t […]
Read more »How to create an incident response plan
By Holly Vandervort, NAID Chief Compliance Officer One of the more game-changing additions to the NAID AAA Certification Program in 2014 was the requirement for certified companies to develop a written incident response plan for suspected or known security incidents. The NAID Certification Rules Committee developed this criterion in direct response to data protection regulations […]
Read more »He who listens, gets the sale
By Ray Barry, NAID Deputy Executive Director The sales professional who listens the best, wins the sale. It is the most important part of the sales process yet it is the most overlooked sales skill. Unfortunately, most salespeople would rather talk instead of listening to the client. Salespeople are not trained properly how to listen […]
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