
Leverage i-SIGMA Content to Your Advantage

July 26, 2017

Kelly Martínez, NAID Director of Marketing & Communications

Have you ever heard the phrase “Content is King”? Bill Gate first coined the phrase in 1996 and Marketers have made it a religious mantra ever since – with good cause of course. Gates predicted, “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”

SilkStream, a digital marketing agency, concludes that “Gates was right in his predictions. Content is what drives the Internet as we know it.”

There are multiple factors that anchor the “Content is King” principle. Original content is prized on the internet and Google rewards sites that produce it with higher search results. But I’m not going to focus on the benefits of good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) today. It is by all means important and entire discussions surround the topic. Here is a quick reference on “5 SEO Basics” and how the release of Google Panda centered quality content over thin sites.

My goal today is to look at another benefit of being a content rich business – Reputability.

Words Have Meaning

Have you clicked through to a website that didn’t have much information? I have, and because I couldn’t easily derive who they really were and what they were about, I couldn’t trust them as a business. After a quick scan of their site I clicked back and tried another that looked more reputable. A website with robust content encourages confidence in a brand.

Some businesses demonstrate their expertise and seek to educate consumers by creating e-newsletters, social media posts that can be shared and re-shared, brochures, etc. Materials of this nature need to be pointed and relevant. Key content in these mediums can influence conversions. Of course, it’s important to back-up your words with actions as well!

The Trick

The advice to produce unique rich content for reputability and to demonstrate expertise in the industry may be great. However, as many NAID members are small business owners, we all know that there is a flaw in this notion – one major hitch that stops everything in its tracks. Who has the bandwidth to create all this ever needed content?!

NAID understands the realities of its members. That some have neither the time nor budget presently to focus on such initiatives. Businesses traditionally garner the greatest ROI if they can generate new evergreen content or hire a firm to assist them with it. However, if you currently can’t manage this, DO SOMETHING. The Harvard Business Review posted the article “Your Content Marketing Strategy Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated” by Nick Wesstergaard with some excellent pointers. As Wesstergaard points out, “We can’t afford to do everything — and we shouldn’t anyway… We have to be more strategic if we want to produce better content.” Content isn’t just for the sake of SEO and thought leadership (both of which are important). Ensure you have quality content to validate that you know what you’re talking about, that you’re committed to being an expert in your industry.

The good news is that NAID believes in wholly supporting our members. That means that as an association we offer as a member-benefit for all content we produce to be freely leveraged (re-used) by our members, so long as they credit NAID as the source.

Use i-SIGMA Content

Did you catch that? As an association i-SIGMA offers as a member-benefit for all content we produce to be freely leveraged (re-used) by our members, so long as they credit i-SIGMA as the source.

Re-share timely posts from i-SIGMA to demonstrate that you too have a finger on the pulse of the industry. Copy and paste meaningful articles and quotes on regulations to exhibit your understanding and commitment to compliance, just be sure to attribute appropriately. Active members have full permission.

NAID Content Resources