
i-SIGMA Members Ratify Bylaws Amendments

February 26, 2020

The i-SIGMA Board of Directors is pleased to report that the i-SIGMA members overwhelmingly supported all 4 recently approved bylaws amendments. The results of the ratification process, which took place between January 14 and February 14, are as follows:

96% of those voting, supported the Amendment to Remove Re-opening of Board Nominations during the Annual Membership Meeting, paving the way for an electronic ballot prior to the conference,

The two amendments aimed at increasing board efficiency; the Amendment to Require Three-Quarters Majority to Remove Board Member and the Amendment Defining the Role of an Abstention or Recusal during Board Voting, received 95% and 97% support respectively

Of all the amendments, the one raising most questions, Granting Contractual Discretion in Assigning Member Benefits to Regional and Branded Networks, received 80% support. As a result, the organization can now enter agreements with other regional associations

Having been ratified, the updated version of the i-SIGMA Bylaws is now posted on the organization’s website.