
Canadian Bill Proposes to Upgrade Country’s Data Protection Regime

June 28, 2022

As announced in the press release on 16 June, the proposed Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022, (DCIA) will significantly bolster Canada’s lagging data protection laws by creating three sub-bills titled the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act, and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act (the latter of which would replace the country’s existing Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act).

According to the release, among the features of the combined DCIA are:

  • Increased control and transparency when Data Subjects personal information is handled by organizations;
  • Freedom for Data Subjects to move their information from one organization to another in a secure manner;
  • Ensuring that Data Subjects can request that their information be disposed of when it is no longer needed;
  • Providing the Privacy Commissioner of Canada with broad order-making powers, including the ability to order a company to stop collecting data or using personal information; and
  • Establishing significant fines for non-compliant organizations—with fines of up to 5% of global revenue or $25 million, whichever is greater, for the most serious offences.

According to i-SIGMA CEO Bob Johnson, CSDS, the proposed bill in one more example of the regulatory global trend toward increased Data Subject rights.  “It is clear that around the world Data Subjects are being empowered to exercise control of their personal information, which, in turn, will put increasing pressure on organizations to respond and demonstrate due diligence.”

Johnson added, “It may take a while for Data Subjects to appreciate and wield these new powers, but it is only a matter of time.”

Learn More About These New Privacy Laws >>