The holiday season presents often overlooked opportunities
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO First, let me say that I understand that for many people, including me, the holidays have a deep significance that is often lost in materialistic concerns and pursuits. My comments today are not designed to contradict or capitalize on that meaning. From a practical perspective, however, the holidays represent a […]
Read more »Giving thanks for NAID and its members
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Ok, it is not very original or creative to write about gratitude on Thanksgiving Day but here I go. Though celebrated on different days and in different ways, the holiday has been around for thousands of years. The Horn of Plenty is actually a symbol from Greek mythology. The turkey […]
Read more »Economic challenges and predications of disaster are nothing new
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO As long as history has been recorded, economic and social worrywarts have been predicting social and economic collapse. Recently, I read an article about the imminent collapse of civilization due to the decay of social morals and the rise of materialism, government corruption, and personal greed. It sounded like it […]
Read more »In-house destruction puts the fox in charge of the hen house
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Most NAID members know that I was in the secure destruction business for 14 years prior to founding NAID. While the marketplace has changed immensely in the 19 years since, my time in the trenches when the industry was very young showed me the value of outsourcing. For instance, in […]
Read more »What do you do when a customer calls with wet paper?
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Last week, NAID issued a press release offering advice to organizations that may have been left with wet paper records after Hurricane Sandy. The main purpose of the release was to provide advice on the legalities of discarding damaged records that were still within their retention period. The release provided […]
Read more »Take note of two upcoming events
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Understandably, NAID members look to the association as a source of education. NAID takes this responsibility very seriously and member feedback tells us we’re doing a pretty good job so far. From the extreme intensity of Certified Secure Destruction Specialist (CSDS) training, the very successful free Summer School Webinar Series, the quarterly journal […]
Read more »How NAID Certification relates to PCI compliance
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO In 2006, the five largest credit card companies formed the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council as a self-policing data security initiative designed to quell calls for government intervention prompted by the increasing number of large data breaches and identity theft. To that end, PCI quickly produced its Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) to […]
Read more »What’s your personal mission statement?
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO Many organizations have mission statements and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. At their best, mission statements provide a litmus test for organizational decision making, hypothetically, even guiding the day-to-day decision making and actions of frontline employees. At their worst, they are incoherent ramblings that cover so […]
Read more »The real value of NAID Certification
By Bob Johnson, NAID CEO From any perspective, the NAID AAA Certification Program has been an amazing success. The program will soon certify its 1,000th member location. Also, hundreds of state and federal government agencies recognize it, including a growing number outside the U.S., and tens of thousands of private organizations now require it of their […]
Read more »Security of personal information requires more attention
By Gary Dickson, Q.C., Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner In recent years we have had a number of serious privacy breaches in Saskatchewan. Given the frequency and size of these breaches and the public reaction, there can be no doubt that the people of this province expect that the organizations to which they entrust their […]
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