
New Privacy Legislation Surfaces in New Jersey

November 14, 2018

On the heels of California’s new Consumer Privacy Act (CPA) mimicking much of what is contained in the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a bill that is currently making rounds in New Jersey (Senate Bill 2834) promises to do the same.

NAID has long predicted that the growing need to harmonize global data protection laws with the GDPR, and the inability of the U.S. federal government to act, would lead to the states doing it the same.

“It happened with identity theft laws and with breach notification,” says i-SIGMA CEO Bob Johnson. “In the face of inaction in Washington [D.C.], the states picked up the banner.”

State-level GDPR-inspired laws mean a sea of change in the ways customers protect personal information. Johnson maintains that for service providers who are ready to integrate the necessary measures, it is will drive many new opportunities and more demand for services.

PRISM International is already advocating for members on the New Jersey bill to make sure legislators are cognizant of potential pitfalls and unintended consequences.  This will also put the association on solid footing when providing education and tools to help them respond.

Read the text of NJ Senate Bill 28134