It takes a lot of industry professionals for NAID to work
May 23, 2013
For better or worse, it is appropriate to consider NAID an industry institution, which is a good- and bad-news situation. The good news is that the organization carries enough credibility and momentum to ensure its ongoing relevance. The bad news is that institutions are often viewed as distant organizations that are disconnected with reality and the needs of those it governs. The problem is, though it may be understandable, nothing could be further from the truth for NAID.
One look at the scores of industry professionals involved in the leadership (the boards and committees) of the organization and it is apparent that it is run by people who overwhelmingly share the same issues, concerns, and challenges of the average member. This is especially true of the Board of Directors. Only one of the 11 voting seats is occupied by a large firm representative. Also, NAID is fortunate that no single company represents more than about two percent of its revenue.
So, while people may think of NAID as an institution where members do not have control or representation in its management, nothing could be further from the truth. Lastly, I can confidently say that neither I nor any board member has ever turned down a call from a member wishing to air his or her opinion. When that happens, as it often does, the issue generally makes its way on the board agenda where the issue can be addressed.