
NAIDnews From the Editor: Evolution in Action

June 30, 2018

I am a dinosaur fan. There is something about them – perhaps a culmination of their might, gentleness, ferocity, biological intrigue, and historical mystery that captures my attention and makes me smile when I think of them. Here at NAID headquarters, my office bookshelf has a space dedicated to these beasts of yesterday. And by the time you read this, I will definitely have seen this summer’s Jurassic blockbuster (hoping it’s a good one).

While looking to uncover the sense of wonder dinosaurs evoke, Brian Switek notes in The Guardian article, “Why do we love dinosaurs so much?” 1 , that they ground us with the realization “that our planet has an incredibly deep history.” This knowledge brings with it a gravity and responsibility.

While it doesn’t date back nearly so far, I honestly find a similar awe when I think of NAID… there is a powerful legacy this association has built for nearly two and half decades, sewing into the fabric of governments, businesses, and the industry. And now a new era of change is upon us with the merger of PRISM International and founding of i-SIGMA (read more about this on page 18).

However, unlike with the dinosaurs, NAID isn’t going anywhere. It remains alive and well. And to me, this is the most exciting part of it all. Its deep roots ground each of us firmly in this field and we carry on our responsibility for secure information management from cradle to grave with continued vigor. There are several good stories in this issue that attest to it.

It appears that we are evolution in action.