
Customer Misconception: No Need for Written Information Destruction Procedures – Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 8)

By Bob Johnson There is a good reason Chapter 7: Information Disposition Policies and Procedures is dedicate strictly to advising data controllers on how to create their internal operating manual for destroying obsolete media and information. That reason: it’s required by law that they have them. That point is first emphasized on page 14 of […]

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Customer Misconception: Only a Small Portion of Discarded Media Must be Destroyed – Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 6)

By Bob Johnson There are several ways in which data controllers put themselves at risk by destroying only a portion of what should be destroyed. Usually it is by letting employees decide what should be securely destroyed and what can be disposed of casually. It is most commonly seen where a data controller gives the […]

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Customer Misconception: Recycling is Adequate – Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 5)

By Bob Johnson Of all the misconceptions, that put clients at risk and minimize the role of service providers in protecting clients, mistaking general unsecure recycling as a substitute for secure destruction is among the most disturbing. As Information Disposition explains on page 125 of Chapter 6: Secure Destruction Methodologies: Reducing paper media to pulp […]

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Customer Misconception: Only Large Records Purges Need Destruction (not daily paper) – Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 4)

Bob Johnson, NAID CEO The third most costly misconception is when customers do not give appropriate attention to destroying the media that they discard on a daily basis in the normal course of business (usually waste paper). In fairness, most of the data destruction industry growth in the U.S. market over the past 15 years […]

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Customer Misconception: No Need for a Contract – Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 3)

Bob Johnson, NAID CEO This is the third installment in my blog series on using the Information Disposition textbook to overcome the most costly customer misconceptions. It makes perfect sense that customers who do not see the critical importance of vendor qualifications would also minimize the value of having a contract with those vendors. Information Disposition will […]

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Customer Misconception: Vendor Qualifications Don’t Matter – Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 2)

Bob Johnson, NAID CEO In my last blog, Selling Information Disposition by the Book (vol. 1), the first in this series, I talked a bit about the mechanics of using the new Information Disposition textbook. If I was to boil that post down to one sentence, it would be: Get the book in front of any customer […]

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Selling Information Disposition by the Book

Bob Johnson, NAID CEO The new Information Disposition textbook (Information Disposition: A Practical Guide to the Secure, Compliant Disposal of Records, Media and IT Assets) is an amazing tool for service providers to use with customers to help them truly understand the value of your offerings. NAID has always operated from two guiding principles and are both […]

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Can We Take Control of the Industry’s Insurance Destiny?

Bob Johnson, NAID CEO When NAID embarked on the Downstream Data Coverage insurance pathway, it did so primarily because the professional liability coverages members were purchasing did not protect them or their customers. Exclusions of claims resulting from the intentional acts of rogue employees and poor breach coverage language were universal in other policies. Since then, as […]

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Press Release: Personally Identifiable Information Found on 40 Percent of Used Devices in Largest Study To-Date

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Phoenix, Ariz., March 24, 2017 – The National Association for Information Destruction® (NAID®) announced today the results of the largest study to date of the presence of personally identifiable information (PII) on electronic devices sold on the second hand market. The study showed that 40 percent of devices resold in publicly-available resale […]

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NAIDnews From the Editor: Fishing is a lot Like Networking

Kelly Martínez, NAID Director of Marketing & Communications My father is an expert fisherman. I spent much of my childhood sitting in a boat or tramping up the creek bed in search of “the perfect spot”. As a young girl I hated baiting my own hook, and so my dad assisted me. He and his […]

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