

It is a regular practice for i-SIGMA to conduct research that advances the interests of the industry and raises awareness among policymakers and consumers.

2019 i-SIGMA ANZ Consumer Attitudes Study

One recent example is the 2019 i-SIGMA ANZ Consumer Attitudes Study, designed to provide insight on many crucial records and information management practices and trends, including: Why do clients pick one service provider over another? What business sectors still prefer shredding in-house? Who’s making the records management decision and how does that vary by size? What do customers look for on your website? Do recommendations mean more than certification or vice versa? To get a copy of the 2019 i-SIGMA ANZ Consumer Attitudes Study full report, contact [email protected]

Second-Hand Device Study

Another study i-SIGMA recently conducted was the largest second-hand device electronic data research project in the world to date at that time. The results found personally identifiable data on 40 percent of used devices. Read the full report now »

Results from such studies have earned i-SIGMA increased attention and credibility and serves to enhance awareness.