

12 November 2021

The International Secure Information Governance & Management AssociationTM (i-SIGMA®) is the industry trade association, enforcing standards and ethical compliance for approximately 2,000 secure data destruction and records and information management service providers on six continents. Formed as a 501(c)6 non-profit in June 2018 by the merger of two long-standing industry associations, the National Association for Information Destruction® (NAID®) and PRISM International™ (Professional Records and Information Services Management®), the association currently maintains the most rigorous and widely accepted data-security vendor-compliance certifications, NAID AAA Certification® and PRISM Privacy+ Certification® with hundreds of government and thousands of private contracts using the programs to meet their regulatory due diligence requirements.

By combining the strength of those two associations, i-SIGMA members now have access to more tools and learning opportunities. A stronger association, combined credibility, and more resources also mean the association can better support members and better address regulators, policymakers, and decision makers.

Stop by the i-SIGMA booth to learn more about membership or how NAID AAA Certification and/or PRISM Privacy+ Certification can take your business to the next level.

Find them at #isigmaconf23 at Booth #800.