CSR Privacy Solutions, Inc.
12 November 2021
CSR Privacy Solutions (CSR) is the global leader for privacy and cyber security and compliance solutions for the small and medium size business. Our global network of resellers benefit from enhanced revenue and increased retention of their business users. CSR’s expert team of certified privacy and security professionals supports our services.
CSR Privacy Solutions provides our 4th generation integrated platform called uRISQ. uRISQ is an enhanced cyber security and privacy program management solution with auto-boarding that reduces risk, enhances compliance and much more. uRISQ consists of 6 independent and integrated solutions which are: Threat Scanning, Employee Training, Policy Center, Breach Support, Access Request, and Vendor Management.
Learn how you can join our reseller network and increase your recurring monthly revenue.
Find CSR at #isigmaconf25 at Booth #619. https://csrps.com/isigma-2024