
Important Details

NOTE: Conference registration does not include lodging. i-SIGMA does not provide a one-day pass-, tradeshow- or exhibit-only registrations.

i-SIGMA Events Code of Conduct

i-SIGMA is dedicated to safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free events. All attendees, speakers, trainers, sponsors, volunteers, and any other participants are required to abide by the i-SIGMA Events Code of Conduct (iECoC) at any event, any in-person and digital event spaces, at official social activities hosted or sponsored by i-SIGMA sponsors, during meetings and communications, session proposal processes, and within post-event surveys. i-SIGMA Events attracts diverse people from a wide variety of backgrounds and demographics. i-SIGMA encourages everyone to consider the impact of their words and actions on those with different backgrounds and experiences.

Code of Conduct Behaviors
All event participants are expected to behave in accordance with professional standards, this Code of Conduct, applicable laws, and to the extent not contrary to the above, their respective employer’s policies governing appropriate workplace behavior.
Specifically, all participants shall treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of differences and circumstances. There shall be no sexual harassment, no misconduct such as unwanted sexual advances, aggressive and threatening communications, disabling or disruptive intoxication, discrimination, etc.

Consequences of Violation of the Code of Conduct
Please note, membership and attendance of any i-SIGMA event is voluntary and subject to association policies, procedures, determinations, and prerogatives. i- SIGMA and/or designated representatives will investigate allegations of violations to the Code of Conduct and may take appropriate action including an immediate expulsion without refund, a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from future events, a warning to cease their behavior and that any further reports will result in further actions,
a revocation of leadership roles related to i-SIGMA events for a period of time or indefinitely, and reporting of any illegal activities to the applicable authorities.

What to Do When Subject to Violations
Anyone experiencing or witnessing a violation of the iECoC is encouraged to report the violation to the Complaint Resolution Committee, the elected Board of Directors, any member of the i-SIGMA staff, and/or the CEO of the association.


Event Cancellation or Postponement: i-SIGMA reserves the exclusive right to modify, postpone/reschedule, or cancel programs for any reason. If i-SIGMA should be prevented from holding the conference and expo by reason of any cause beyond their control (such as, but not limited to, acts of God; governmental authority; or declared war in the United States; make it illegal or impossible for the Hotel to hold the event as deem able by i-SIGMA and the Hotel), i-SIGMA has the right to cancel the event with no further liability to the attendee other than a full refund of registration fees.

Refunds/Cancellations/Substitutions: Substitutions and refunds are possible for Conference registration and the pre-conference workshop. To receive a refund, cancellation requests must be made in writing and received at [email protected] or Events Department, 3030 N. Central Ave., Suite 706, Phoenix, AZ 85012, at least 15 days out from the event (no later than 15 March 2025). Note, all cancellations are subject to a 20% administration fee. There will be no refund to registrants who do not cancel by 15 March 2025 or are considered “no shows” at the event. Substitutions within the same company are accepted and not subject to additional processing fees. Substitutions must be submitted for transfer in writing to [email protected] at least 10 days out from the event (no later than 22 March 2025).

Event registration cancellation must be received by 15 March 2025 and cannot be refunded after this date. Cancellations are subject to the same 20% administration fee. Substitutions must be received at least 10 days out from the event (no later than 22 March 2025).

i-SIGMA shall not be held accountable for any outside fees associated with any substitutions or cancellations.

Insurance: Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is recommended that attendees take out personal travel and medical insurance prior to attending any event. A policy should include loss of fees through cancellation of your participation or through cancellation of the event itself, loss of airfares for any reason, medical expenses, loss or damage to personal property, additional expenses and repatriation should travel arrangements have to be altered. i-SIGMA will not take any responsibility for any delegate failing to insure.

Information: The information used for this event will be drawn from the individual profile in our database for the attendee. This individual profile is accessible by the attendee for updating and deletion of their information. The information in the profile will be used to for identification within the event (name, company name). The information in the individual profile is also used to identify the individual as a representative of a company, thus, in the event of membership with i-SIGMA, allowing them membership benefits such as a lower admittance price. E-mail addresses will be used to communicate registration and event details with attendees. Attendee information (name, company, and e-mail address) may be used to promote this and future events to the individual; attendees may update their subscription preferences at any time to opt-out of marketing communications. Attendee information (name, company, mailing address, e-mail address, role, title) will be provided to sponsors and exhibitors of the event (visit & for the current list of each; please note, this list may be updated until the date of the event). Information will be used for pre-marketing of the event as well as a potential contact regarding sales of their products and services; sponsors and exhibitors are obligated to offer an opt-out option should the attendee wish to no longer receive further communications from them. Note, residents of Europe must opt into this list distribution and will not be automatically included. To update the attendee’s contact information with i-SIGMA association, please contact i-SIGMA at [email protected] or 3030 N. 3rd Street, Suite. 940, Phoenix, Arizona 85012, USA.

Disclaimer and Waiver

As a condition of the attendee’s participation in this event, the attendee hereby waives any claim he/she may have against the International Secure Information Governance & Management Association (i-SIGMA) and its officers, directors, employees, or agents, or against the presenters or speakers, for reliance on any information presented and release i-SIGMA from and against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from the attendee’s participation or attendance at the program. The attendee further understands and agrees that all property rights in the material presented, including common law copyright, are expressly reserved to the presenter or speaker or to i-SIGMA. The attendee acknowledges that participation in i-SIGMA events and activities may bring some risk and do hereby assume responsibility for their own well-being. If another individual participates in the attendee’s place per i-SIGMA transfer/substitution policy, the new registrant agrees to this disclaimer and waiver and conditions by default of transfer. If another individual is registering the attendee for this event, they are agreeing to these conditions on their behalf as the attendee’s proxy. i-SIGMA, Exhibitors, and Sponsors of the event intend to take photographs and video recordings of this event for use in promotional materials in print, electronic, and other media, including websites and social media. By participating in this event, the attendee grants i-SIGMA, Exhibitors, and Sponsors of the event the right to use any image, photograph, voice or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. Any image, photograph, recording, voice or likeness taken by i-SIGMA becomes the property of i-SIGMA. Media may be displayed, distributed, or used by i-SIGMA for any purpose. i-SIGMA reserves the right to refuse or cancel all ineligible registrations at any time and shall not be held accountable for any outside fees associated with this cancellation.

International Attendees and Visa Obtainment

When traveling internationally for i-SIGMA events, you may request a Letter of Invitation to submit with your visa application by contacting the Events Department.

Please note that i-SIGMA is only permitted to send official Letters of Invitation to registrants who have already paid in full for the event. Once we have received your registration and full payment for the specified event, you may attach your payment confirmation and request a formal Letter of Invitation to aid in acquiring your Visa.

In the event you are denied your Visa to travel to the event, i-SIGMA will provide you with a full refund upon receipt of the letter of denial.

Please include the following information with your request:

  1. Full Name on Passport
  2. Passport Number
  3. Full Address, including country
  4. Name i-SIGMA Event/Purpose of Travel

We will notify you once the letter has been sent.